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ShellHub is easy to configure, all configuration is done via environment variables inside the .env.override file located at the root of ShellHub project dir.


By default, the .env.override file does not exists, so you need need to create it.

Environment Variables


All default values are inherited from .env file.

The bind address for the ShellHub gateway's container to bind on


  • Default:


  • Default: 80

The HTTP listen port for the ShellHub web-based GUI, API and Reverse SSH tunnel.


  • Default: 443

The HTTPS listen port for the ShellHub web-based GUI, API and Reverse SSH tunnel.


  • Default: 22

The SSH listen port for incoming SSH connections to devices.


  • Default: false

Set this variable to true if you are running a Layer 4 load balancer with proxy protocol in front of ShellHub.


  • Default: false

Automatic HTTPS with Let's Encrypt


When enabling this option, you must set SHELLHUB_DOMAIN with domain of the server.


  • Default: false

Redirect requests from HTTP port to HTTPS port


  • Default: localhost

Domain of the server


  • Default: false

Enables container remote access. When enabled, all containers on the Docker host will be automatically added to a namespace configured by the SHELLHUB_CONNECTOR_TENANT_ID variable.

Important Security Notice

Please note that user access within the containers is restricted as a crucial security measure.

For password-based authentication, users who do not have a password defined in the containers /etc/shadow will be denied access to connection attempts. This means that only users with properly configured passwords (via passwd command) will be able to attempt connections.

Alternatively, users can utilize the public key authentication scheme, even if they do not have a password defined in the containers /etc/shadow file.


This variable specifies the namespace to which containers will be added when the container remote access is enabled.