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Development Environment Setup

First of all, you'll need to generate required keys for the services:

$ make keygen

Set the environment for development:

$ echo "SHELLHUB_ENV=development" >> .env.override

Start the whole environment:

$ make start

Avoid using docker-compose directly (unless you know what you're doing); instead use ./bin/docker-compose wrapper.


Wait for all services to be ready, then proceed:

Then create an initial user by running

$ ./bin/cli user create <username> <password> <email>

Create a namespace for grouping devices and set a user as owner:

$ ./bin/cli namespace create <namespace> <user> 00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000

For development, the TENANT_ID specified, 00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000, is required to turn the local environment into a ShellHub Agent running device, as it's a hardcoded value.

When you open ShellHub UI for the first time, be sure to accept pending device.