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In case you're experiencing problems with using ShellHub Self-Hosted, you can troubleshoot and trace possible errors by using the methods given below.


ShellHub is made of several docker containers, each one being a potential cause for failure. Having an even basic overview of ShellHub's technical architecture can help you understand what is going on. You can refer to the technical architecture for that.

View Docker containers log

Viewing the Docker containers log is the very first approach when troubleshooting issues. The critical information in the log can quickly help you find the root causes of most issues.

To view all logs from all ShellHub containers, run the following command:

./bin/docker-compose logs

You can also see the logs of each service by running:

docker-compose logs <SERVICE>

Refer to the official docker-compose logs command documentation.

Frequently Encountered Issues

IHere is a list of solutions to some frequently encountered issues. If this page doesn't help you solve your problem, try doing a search on GitHub Issues.

Cannot start service ssh


Cannot start service ssh: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint shellhub_ssh_1: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use

If you have getting the error message above when starting up the server using docker-compose you have two options to solve this issue:

  • Change the OpenSSH daemon port from 22 to whatever on your host machine;
  • Change the default SSH gateway port of ShellHub by setting SHELLHUB_SSH_PORT variable inside the configuration file.

Cannot start gateway


Cannot start service gateway: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint shellhub_gateway_1: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp listen: address already in use

If you get the error message above, then check you have no other running process using the port 80 with the following command:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep :80

If so, kill the service, for example, if apache2 is running:

sudo systemctl stop apache2

And disable it from autostart:

sudo update-rc.d apache2 disable